Laboratory Test: Pregnancy (HCG), Quantitative Serum

Test Code: L020

Methodology: Immunoassay
Performed: Mon-Sat
Reported: 1-2 days
Specimen Required: Collect: Serum Separator Tube (SST). Specimen Preparation: Allow blood samples to clot (15 mins). Separate the serum from the cells by centrifuging for 10 minutes. Store serum at 2-8°C until analysis. Storage/Transport Temperature: Refrigerated. Stability : If the assay will not be completed within 8 hours, or for shipment of samples, freeze at -20°C or colder. Frozen specimens can be stored up to six months before testing, Refrigerated: 1 week
CPT Codes: 84702
Cross Reference: hCG (Beta-hCG, Serum Qualitative), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Beta-hCG, Serum Qualitative), Qualitative Pregnancy Test (Beta-hCG, Serum Qualitative)
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